Saturday, 10 March 2012

Sex and women

I'll let you in a secret. . .  Girls like sex!!!We like it as much as guys if not more! For us sex is not just sex we like to have an emotional connection too. We love the closeness that comes with sex, the utter trust you have in a person to see you naked, you can't hide those lumps and bumps, which are always shown at the worst angles during sex, the noises made, the faces during and upon climax. . .  all this comes with trust from girls it is a great experience to feel physically and emotionally connected with someone in such a raw and intimate way.

Now don't get me wrong sex isn't just about this, sometimes a girl just needs to have sex! There is something about having sex with a stranger  that just adds to the excitement, it is almost a part of foreplay in itself. There are two types of single girl- the girl who wants to have raw physical sex with no emotional attachment, this girl is usually hiding from some sort of emotional upset,- and then there is the single girl who doesn't want to have sex without feeling attached to the other person, though she may, and probably will kiss guys left right and center.

Sex is fun, or well it can be. It is something that girls like and enjoy as much as guys but we don't boast about it or feel the need to bring it up in a conversation, apart from with our close friends. We don't publicize or try to hide from this enjoyment yet it is broadcast that guys love sex. Well move over guys I am a girl and I publicly admit that I LOVE SEX!!! or rather GOOD SEX!!!

HOWEVER, just because we enjoy sex does not give you permission to slack off and stick to the same old tried and tested positions, we love change and surprises. Try showing some passion sometimes. Show us how much you want us you never know what you might get in return

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