Wednesday, 14 March 2012

The 'L' Word!!!

 A great man once said that "The greatest thing is to love and be loved in return" but I ask you What is love? This first thing that comes to mind is the lyrics of the song "" Don't hurt me no more! Love is something that many say is indescribable! It is meant to be this magical feeling where nothing else matters but in reality it is a lot more complicated! Yes love is this strong feeling but there are different stages and types of love and what we figure out over the course of our lives is how to differentiate between these types. Some find this magical love young and others never find it! It can be elusive!

In a relationship one may feel a form of love before the other and there is nothing wrong with that but what comes into question is the type of love felt! Is it the love you feel for a good friend, for a family member, is it this big magical love that we hear so much about as kids or is it some muted form of this, where you do really love the person but it will fade into one of the other forms?

This is the most complicated part of a  relationship! LOVE!!! How do we find it or better yet how do we hold onto it once we do? These are the questions most people ask themselves and the answer is simple I don't know! Many people question the concept of telling another person that they love them as if and when you do you are leaving your heart bare you have opened yourself up completely to that person and have left yourself vulnerable. It is then up to that person to either love you back and fill up that space in your heart and inflate you once again or to crush you by not loving you like you love them. However, there is the middle ground where they may not love you YET! The yet is very important as they believe that the love may come or that they may be too afraid of being hurt to even admit it to themselves let alone to you!

If you are lucky enough to love someone and to be loved in return it is the greatest feeling in the world! If you are not then it will come and in many different forms and each one will be something that you will never forget! Or if you are like me and unable to conceive the notion that you may love the person who says the love you yet they are unable to show it then all I can say is keep it to yourself until you feel the time is right to express it!

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